1.06 -> 1.07 Fix for loudness not resetting until playback starts in some DAWs Time plot correctly aligns to bar position when sync mode on Grouped undo when editing parameters for multiple selected bands or for sanitised crossover frequencies Shift-Ctrl/Cmd-click on Threshold text label to show/hide an extra decimal place Fix crash after long period of use MIDI learn via right-click on parameter Fix crash when setup window open in more than one instance Undo/redo incorporates loading of presets and banks Correctly reinstate prev/next buttons status on opening window or loading a session Mac build now requires 10.7 or later Improve menu position when opening a menu would cause it to appear offscreen AAX Mac window focus improved Fix potential crash when file saving fails Accept ',' for decimal point when entering value by text Fix potential crash when closing UI Fix crash when closing UI with text box open Fix crash with text entry on touchbar MacBook Pro Prevent Cubase/Nuendo right-click menu from appearing when right-clicking on a clutter bar button that accepts right-clicks Support for mono->stereo AU Installer searches for existing VST plugins folder for 64-bit plugins on Windows if run for first time Correctly sign Windows installers with Codesigning cert Improve text and layout for Windows installers Improve install descriptions and logo for Mac installers