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Frequently Asked Questions

Hello. How can we help? Check if we've already got the answer to your question in the FAQ below. If not, just drop us a line using the contact form.

  • I can't find my license!

    Log in to your DMGAudio account, then head to the Downloads page. You'll find all your installers and licenses there (and you'll need both for the plugin to run!).

  • Account: I've forgotten my password.

    Just pop your email address in the form here and we'll send you a password reset link.

  • Account: I've forgotten the email address I signed up with.

    Drop us a line using the Contact form below. Let us know your name and maybe we can reunite you!

  • Account: How can I change my email address?

    Head to your user area and enter a new email address in place of your current one, then click 'Update my Account!'. We'll send a confirmation link to your new address. Click the link in that email before you do anything else (logging in with the old email address, etc.), or we'll cancel your request to change the address. Gotta stay safe yo.

  • Account: How can I change my password?

    Simply enter the new password twice in your user area and hit 'Update my Account!'.

  • Bugs and/or bad behaviour: My plugin isn't passing or affecting the audio.

    99.9% of the time, this behaviour just means you don't have a valid license installed. It happens to the best of us. In some cases the UI will display 'EXPIRED', or the Credits page will display 'No valid license installed'. If you were using a demo license, it may have run out after days. If you've bought a full license, it may not be properly installed - just run through the guide here.

  • Bugs and/or bad behaviour: I think I've found a bug.

    Awesome! Kind of. At least we can begin addressing it. Head to the Contact form and let us know your operating system, host, plugin version, and the behaviour you're seeing.

  • Bugs and/or bad behaviour: VST3 plug-ins missing on Windows.

    DMGAudio plug-ins now use the VST3 bundle structure (see here). Most DAWs support this, however we have found some require additional steps when installing, particularly if updating from previous non-bundle versions of DMGAudio plug-ins.

    Cakewalk by Bandlab:

    • Delete all DMG plug-ins from VST3 folders on disk.
    • Open Cakewalk, perform a plug-in scan, then close Cakewalk.
    • Re-install DMG plug-ins from latest installers.
    • Open Cakewalk and perform another plug-in scan.

    Magix Samplitude and Sequoia:

    These do not support the VST3 bundle structure, so the plug-ins must be extracted from the bundle. We have created a script for doing this.

    • Run latest DMG installer.
    • Download this script: vst3_extract_from_bundle.bat (right-click and Save link as...).
    • Double-click the downloaded file to run it.

    Tracktion Waveform:

    • Run latest DMG installer.
    • Open Waveform and go to Settings->Plugins.
    • Search DMG at the top and sort by format.
    • Shift-select all DMG VST3 plug-ins in the list and click Scanning For Plugins...->Remove selected plugin from list.
    • Click Scanning For Plugins...->Scan for new or updated VST3 plugins.

  • Demos: How can I demo a plugin?

    Head to Downloads and fill in some details for us. We'll drop you an email with a fully functional, 30 day demo license.

  • Demos: What are the limitations on the demo?

    There are none - it just stops processing audio after 30 days. As soon as you buy a license, everything will kick back in. There's no risk of losing anything at all.

  • Demos: I haven't had time to demo the plugin - can my demo be extended/renewed?

    Sure. If your demo has expired and you didn't get a chance to properly audition the plugin, just drop us a quick note using the Contact form and we'll arrange a new demo period.

  • Demos: Is there customer support included with the demo?

    While the demo is valid, we're happy to help as if you were already a paying customer (which we hope you'll become!).

  • Discounts & sales: Do you offer a student discount?

    Heck yes! We are pleased to offer an educational discount to all students making a several-year commitment to study at a recognised and accredited institution. If you're currently studying at an academic institution, just apply using this form. We don't extend this offer to educators, but we can offer the discount to institutions buying plugins exclusively for student use (with additional bulk discounts from 10 seats). Just get in touch using the Contact form!

    The student discount grants 50% off all products directly from the DMGAudio store. Licenses bought with a student discount work exactly the same as standard licenses, except they are ineligible for resale via license transfer (NFR).

  • Discounts & sales: Do you offer bulk discounts?

    Absolutely. We can offer bulk discounts on orders of 10 licenses or more - let us know what you're interested in using the Contact form and we'll make sure we offer you a very juicy discount.

  • Discounts & sales: Do you offer a loyalty discount?

    Yep, even if you've bought just one plugin. We love you very much, and you get 5% off all products per plugin owned (up to a max of 35% off). Make sure you're logged in to see your discount, as it'll alter 'your price' in the cart

  • Discounts & sales: Do you offer reseller pricing?

    Nope - we sell 100% directly to users. If you want to buy a plugin for someone else, let us know using the Contact form.

  • Discounts & sales: Do you do sales? Black Friday, Christmas, January sales? Do you sell sails?!

    No, afraid not. Our stance on this is that sales are unfair to all our supporters who pay full price.

    One exception is when we release new plugins - the price is usually discounted for the first month after release.

    At this time we do not sell ship sails, but we will definitely keep you updated if we venture into becoming a ship brokerage.

  • Installing: How do I install a plugin?
  • Installing: Can I install a plugin on more than one computer?

    Yup - when you buy from DMGAudio, you are buying a license that allows you to use the software on any computer that's yours. One license entitles you to install on any computer you're personally going to use.

    However if you share a studio, for instance, and there's a chance that you and another engineer could be running two instances simultaneously, you'll need two licenses.

    The same exception holds for site licensing. If you have a facility with multiple computers, used by several people, you'll need to purchase multiple licenses; in practice this works out as the fewer of the number of people and the number of computers. If you need to discuss site licensing, just get in touch using the Contact form.

  • Installing: I've installed a plugin but can't find the application on my computer.

    There is no standalone application - all of our plugins run in a host (DAW), such as Pro Tools, Cubase, Ableton Live, or Logic Pro.

  • Invoices: How do I get an invoice for my purchase?

    You can generate your own invoice from the Profile page. Once logged in, scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your address details in the box. Then hit 'Generate Invoice' next to the payment and it'll automatically create an invoice for your purchase with the details you entered.

  • License transfer / selling my license

    License transfers are cool with us. There's a £20 transfer fee. The transferred license cannot be further resold via license transfer. Find someone who wants to buy a license you own, then click here to head to the license transfer form. Please note that licenses bought with an EDU discount are not for resale (NFR).

  • Purchasing: Can I buy a plugin for someone else? Plugins are the best gifts.

    Yep - we can do this easily. Just let us know your plan using the Contact form. We'll grab some details from you so you can buy a plugin as a gift for someone else without them knowing.

Contact Form

Please feel free to contact us for any reason!

This form asks for the information we're likely to need so we can help you out. If you'd prefer, you can email us directly at

Type of query :
Urgency :
Platform :
Plugin :
Version :
Email Address :
Subject :

Step 1.Transfer £20 to payments [at] dmgaudio [dot] com (or click here to do that now).

Step 2. Fill out the form below:

Seller Name:
Seller Email:
Contact Email:

Plugin to transfer:

Buyer Name:
Buyer Email:

Step 3. Bear with us, and we'll get the transfer sorted for both of you!