PowerPC and Old Versions of Mac OS

Is anyone still using a PPC mac for music making?

I’m +RIGHT+ on the verge of killing PPC support. Would anyone notice if I did this?
Also, how old a version of Mac OS is anyone using? It’s becoming increasingly difficult (because Apple push pretty hard) to support really old versions.
Currently our oldest supported spec is PPC with OS 10.4.
I am thinking of moving this to Intel 10.5

** Is anyone using OS 10.4?
** Is anyone using PPC?

Let me know!

Updates to things

I’ve updated all the things, changelog below.

And the news that you are all waiting to hear – EQuilibrium, the new EQ should hit alpha this week and with any luck beta next!!

– Fix mousewheel handling bug
– Fix bug that could cause pops when automated
– Added preference: Band-Q follows Zoom
– Added preference: Configure right-click as Invert/Bypass/None
– Tidy up automation handling
– Improve mousewheel and autolisten
– Added preference: Sticky selection, to retain selected bands, rather than allow dragging
– Added preference: Control+Mousewheel behaviour (adjust gain/freq)
– Added preference: Larger EQ band dots
– Reduce CPU usage when automated in Reaper

– Fix “glitching” DSP bug
– Fix delay times for samplerates other than 44k1

– Fix Detector Graph bug

– AAX-AudioSuite Enabled
– Fix samplerate handling for VST3 in StudioOne
– AAX enable click-thru – prevents first click from being absorbed when UI is opened
– AAX Bypass mechanism reworked to match RTAS version

I wrote a mini paper!

Here’s what some EQ maths looks like! There’s even some code!

This is what I did today. I also baked Parisian macaroons.

Little EQ result.

This is really just to drop the result into the public domain, because it’s not very complicated (it took me a few hours), but it would be brutally awful for anyone to try and stop other people from using it.

Updates to all things are in beta, and the new EQ marches along nicely. Hopefully that will get to beta within a week or two! I live in optimism.

In other news, the macaroons came out perfectly – best batch ever! 😀


So, after realising that I REALLY REALLY REALLY needed to release AAX yesterday, I now have done! Installers are up on the dmgaudio site, and everything gets a version number bump (because there are fixes too!)

Edit: There’s always something. A really odd DSP error slipped through the cracks, and if you downloaded within the first hour after the announcement, you might experience issues with EQuality, particularly in Digital+ mode. If so, just re-download. The updated versions are up already.


– AAX version included
– Tweaks for stability
– VST3 Automation improvements
– Mac builds and Installers optimised and signed
– Massive optimise for reload of presets.

EQuality v1.17->1.18
– Improve HPFs.

EQuick v1.02->1.03
– Fix click-thru menubar bug
– Fix reset-to-previous after resetting to default bug.
– Recalibrate VU meter
– Make graph textboxes usable to engage automation in ProTools.

Compassion v1.06->1.07
– Fix Clip-Limiter denormal issue

PitchFunk v1.02->1.03
– Fixed rare redraw issue
– Improved Loading process
– Added pagetable for ProTools automation



Where are things?

New EQ – working on it.

It has ALL THE THINGS, and it’s so sexy that I can’t compare it to previous EQ plugins. It’s more like an EQ platform, from the future. It oozes with power, and it does EVERYTHING. Surround support is in too, which I’m especially pleased about, despite it being one of the nerdier, techier features. DSP is complete- all the hardware models are in and good, parallel modes in, phase modes extended, etc.

AAX – literally ready to ship. I’m trying to decide whether to release it as-is, or hold back and include some more bug fixes. I just re-read that sentence, and I should clearly release AAX straight away. I’ll get on that now.

Beardytron- preparing for the TED talk next month, Daz is coming to DMGAudio HQ out here in Cornwall for a week of hacking and fixing.

Other things… Are there other things? Does anyone still read this blog?

Oh, yes, apparently Krzysztof is making tutorial videos. Awesomely excited about that. 😀


Oversampling rant

This post is a copy&paste from a comment I posted on KVR where someone was arguing that 384kHz oversampling is a prerequisite for acceptably low levels of aliasing:

Oversampling a linear process (EQ) offers no benefit in terms of aliasing, because there isn’t any aliasing to get rid of.

Oversampling a time-variant process up to 2x is worthwhile, assuming an audio-rate (or lower) modulator, because you then have two spectra worth of audio content convolved together (spectrally speaking); I usually include dynamics in this category, since if your sidechain signal is generating a gain reduction signal that contains faster-than-audio-rate content, you are concerning yourself with compression-as-distortion, rather than compression as dynamics. I’ll take the point that the switch between attack and release might fall into this category, but as a designer of dynamics, we’d want to make that transition as smooth as possible. Or things would sound bad (e.g. Gate chatter, for instance).

Oversampling distortion is one easy way to ‘improve’ the sound of a naive distortion. Or even to add a little finesse to a good one. But of course, the degree of oversampling that’s beneficial is a function of the nature of the distortion, and how hard you hit it.
I’d like to speculate that most worthwhile, modern distortions are designed around an implicit oversampling-type process; runge-kutta being a good, topical example. But there are plenty of naive distortions around, and without oversampling, they sound terrible. I don’t know how it’s still a thing, but seemingly it is. I suppose the key factor is that aliasing is ALWAYS going to be a LOT quieter than signal, so it’s going to remain “grab the spec analyser” kind of problem. (Except in Massive, where the aliasing is what makes it good)

Rant over.


…and PitchFunk 1.02!

Grab it from Here under ‘Downloads’.

Whole bunch of neat changes and new features:

– Improve CPU usage.
– Reduce latency.
– Free-run modes for LFOs.
– Retriggering of LFOs.
– Unipolar/Bipolar LFO modes.
– Dual mode, allows processing two Stereo-mode instances in one.
– Splice Scaling control for Asynch modes.
– Edit Both functionality, to edit both channels in synch.
– More presets!
– MIDI Enable/Disable button.
– Fix denormal bug with LFOs.
– Improve switching between Synch and Asynch modes.
– Improve handling of unusual time-signatures.
– Add “resynch shifters” feature on re-selecting shift-mode.
– Disabling a lock leaves control set to its value while locked.
– Phase invert for Dual mode, allows phase-inverting for the second instance wet signal.
– Improve scanning for LFOs – displays scan along (phase-shifted) blue image.

PitchFunk 1.01 update :)

Out now from here


Changes v1.00->1.01

– Fix crash with 64bit AU validation
– Fix synched delay times
– Fixed VST3 automation
– Fixed crash when changing presets
– Fixed denormal bug in ‘Bit’ delay algorithm
– Improved ‘Modern’ delay algorithm
– Improved CPU usage
– Fixed ‘paste’ of LFO curves
– Fixed synch of LFOs post-shifter
– Enabled Audiosuite version
– Dezippered Gain stage
– Fixed recall of saved settings in Logic
– Added more presets!